Collaborating with daring actors full of innovative ideas on space-saving is MAFAEL’s DNA.
It is with ESPACE LOGGIA, the leader in the arrangement of small spaces, that we have sealed a partnership to present our products.
Collaborating with daring and innovative actors on space-saving is MAFAEL’s DNA.
MAFAEL seals a partnership with Espace Loggia, the leader in arrangements for small spaces, to present the JUNO bed up in its network of stores and on its website.
Partnering with a brand from the same sector: what daring!
Espace Loggia is the leader in arrangements for small spaces. Making ceiling beds up is its trademark.
For us, Espace Loggia is much more than that; it’s a source of inspiration for space-saving.
It was only natural for us to contact Espace Loggia to collaborate on space-saving furniture.
Common values: eco-friendly, sustainable, and French
In terms of quality, MAFAEL does not skimp; the JUNO bed up is made in France with French wood: solid pine and beech.
Eco-design to limit carbon impact: designing products that are recyclable and reusable.
Our partnership evolves, find the JUNO bed up now in two Espace Loggia partner stores:
The 100% French brand concretely meets needs in terms of space arrangement and space-saving. Here, no gadgets or frills but a clear offer of a ceiling JUNO bed accessible and delivered in less than 3 weeks!